Selected for DJSI World Index for ten consecutive years
Named Industry Leader in Global Electronic Equipment and Components of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices for five years
Selected for the Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index for eight consecutive years
Two “A” Leadership level ratings by CDP for substantial contribution to climate change and water security issues
Won the Gold Class Award in RobecoSAM's Sustainability Yearbook for the seventh time
Selected for the MSCI ACWI ESG Leaders Index continuously
Selected for the FTSE4Good Emerging Indexes continuously
Selected for the FTSE4Good TIP TaiwanESG Index (co-launched by Taiwan Index Plus Corporation and FTSE Russell) continuously
Obtained the "Best" rating from the ISS corporate performance evaluation
Selected for the ESG100 by Thaipat Institute for six consecutive years
On the annual honor roll of Global Views Monthly's Corporate Social Responsibility Awards twice
Won a total of 15 first prizes, two listings on the roll of honor, and three model awards since Global Views Monthly's Corporate Social Responsibility Award was launched in 2005
Awarded the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for four consecutive years
Won the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards hosted by the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy every year