For its 1,042 first-tier and non-production general material key
suppliers and 289 second-tier key direct material suppliers, Delta
uses tools such as risk maps to identify 186 and 77 potential risk
suppliers, respectively, and then identify the risks of labor,
ethics, health and safety, environment, and management systems in
the supply chain through ESG questionnaires.
According to a resolution of the Supply Chain ESG Committee, high
risk factors include: an ESG questionnaire self-assessment average
score of less than 70 points, the employment of child labor,
failure to comply with Delta's environment-related substances, as
well as violations of regulations (on labor, environment, safety
and health, or others). With an ESG self-assessment score of less
than 70 points and two or more of the above-mentioned high-risk
factors, a supplier is listed as a high-risk supplier for the
year. Forty-four first-tier and 23 second-tier key suppliers were
identified as high-risk suppliers, with a high risk rate of 24%
and 30%, respectively.
Supplier Sustainability Management Evaluation Process